We are

The Gap Partnership is a management consultancy specialising in negotiation. We help organisations drive profitability, increase efficiency and reduce cost. 

In a time of global upheaval, effective negotiation is more important than ever. Whether you are dealing with a merger, managing trade union agreements, repairing disrupted supply chains, or navigating a new commercial reality, negotiation is an essential skill for guaranteed success.

Negotiation solutions

Training by the world’s best negotiators

Negotiation is a life-enhancing skill. Whatever your profession, being a confident, effective negotiator can mean the difference between getting to a great agreement, and one that fails to optimise value for you and your business.


We offer a range of training programs face-to-face or virtual to help you learn how to negotiate even the most difficult and complex commercial agreements.

Our training


Thank you, next!: How does it make you feel when someone breaks a contract with you?

Jordan Steinohrt

January 2023

How does it make you feel when someone breaks a contract with you? What if it was a social contract? They don’t walk fast enough on the street, they show up late to an appointment, or they decide to throw their trash next to the bin as opposed to in it? Or what about a relationship contract? You find out your friend has been saying nasty things about you behind your back, your teammate makes a selfish move on the field, or your partner has been having an affair? Contracts, written and signed, verbal or otherwise, are fundamental in framing our expectations of the people around us. Breaking those contracts and therefore, not delivering to those expectations, often generates an emotional response.

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Joint business plans: Achieving the elusive win-win

Vince Brook

July 2020

A detailed and practical guide to successfully negotiating that holy grail of corporate agreements: joint business plans. Doing it well means achieving an agreement that is of mutual benefit, has minimized risk, and is appropriately owned and managed by all parties.

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How myopic preparation can leave you blindsided

Hrvoje Zaric and Patric Müller

June 2021

Identifying stakeholders in a negotiation may appear to be one of the more straightforward aspects to crafting a deal. But the reality is often more complex, making the design and mapping of a stakeholder engagement, alignment and management process critical to success.

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The Negotiation Society magazine: The psychology and recession issue

Emma Weare

November 2022

Salient commercial topics of our time are put under the microscope in this latest edition of The Negotiation Society magazine. With stories including the role of a chief strategy officer, psychological profiling, and how negotiation can help navigate turbulent economic waters, it's a must-read for negotiators everywhere.

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